Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Going The Distance

I remember when running used to be a form of punishment for me. When I was younger, I wasn't the most athletic kid around. I struggled with my weight since I was in the second grade and quickly ballooned.

I believed it became a cycle that literally fed into compounding and making my problem a lot worse. The combination of low self-esteem, a sedentary lifestyle, and unhealthy eating habits would've led to a future with with health problems and a shorter lifespan.

When I made the decision to losing weight and not just losing weight but to undergo a transformation. I remember watching Extreme Makeover: Extreme Weight Loss edition and realizing that if I continued on my path I would lead a life similar to the morbidly obese Americans that were featured on the weekly shows. I would ask my mother and sister if I was fat and they of course answered "No".

Despite this encouragement, I knew they were lying to protect my feelings which did not help matters. But I continued to eat.

I lost 30lbs during my senior year but following my car accident during Spring Break I eventually gained all of the weight I lost back by June of 2012. I was unhappy and knew that a change was needed. I tried sprinting because I knew I could only sustain running short spurts once spring classes ended in early May.

However, the weight kept piling on and I was confused on why these 3 or 4 sets of sprints were not peeling away the fat. I knew the answer, the fact that I was addicted to how food made me feel less empty.

I realized a workout regime consisting of cardiovascular workouts, weightlifting, and adopting healthy eating habits were the way to go.

I used to hate running. But now I wonder where would I be without it. I love running.

Running has allowed me to leave my struggles with weight in the past. Today was my most recent weigh in and I tip the scales at 163lbs, just five lbs away from my goal of losing 70 since the end of June.

For the first time in my life, I have confidence in the way I look and feel that those five lbs are unnecessary. I have come so far and realize it is more important to celebrate and cherish my work and also strive to maintain it.

I look forward to continue to go the distance.  

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