One of my favorite things about attending the University of Florida has been the people I have had a chance to interact with on a daily basis and calling many of them my friends. There is just something about connecting with people who share your passion and have similar dreams they hope to one day make a reality.
Jillian Baach has been one of my good friends for about a year now. We are both juniors at the University of Florida and have taken the same classes as Telecommunication-News students. Jillian is one of the most knowledge people I know about sports. She is very passionate about her work and always has very high expectations of herself. I'd recommend trying to catch one of her Friday sportscasts for WUFT's First at Five program. I enjoyed reading her blog on entertainment it has really helped catch me up on what is popular and all of the latest news in sports and entertainment.
Katie Gillen has been labeled as one of the "Sports Princesses" among the WUFT Sports Team. Her along with her friend Stephanie Jones are two of the straws that stir the drink and are always available when one of the new kids on the block (like me) has any questions. Katie is very driven (I suggest reading her blog if you don't believe me) and I enjoy watching her anchor on Wednesdays this semester for WUFT's First at Five program.
Robert Lopez is one of my closest friends in the sports wing of the University of Florida's Integrated News Facility. We share a lot of the same interests, especially our love for New York sports. He is the one person who has just as much love for the New York Yankees that I possess and that is telling you something. "RoLo's" blog on being a lost New York sports fan especially resonate with me and it isn't always about the Yankees (well, now that I think about it, it kinda is). I have a lot of family and friends who still live in New York and its always nice swapping stories with Robert while we are on our reporting shifts together for WUFT. He helped me anchor my first show today for WUFT's First at Five program and was there for me on my big day. I'd definitely encourage you to catch one of his Monday shows.
Jillian, Katie, and Robert have all been there for me and I have been for them. I am proud to not only call them my colleagues but also good friends.
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